
Download Maxthink

December 8, 2009 ...InstallMaxthink.exe  Ver 2.54.  This download offers a 30-day full-feature free trial for new users. The 7 meg file is self-installing. 

For fast easy learning, click on Online Demos ... or print out "Maxcmds.doc" which is found in the installation directory as it lists all mouse and keyboard commands.

If your download is incomplete, the error message "Not win32 Application" appears during the installation. Try downloading again.

If running "InstallMaxthink.exe" loads another program, erase "setup.lst" from your download directory, then rerun "InstallMaxthink.exe".

Significant recent additions


Unlimited undo!

Windows 2000, ME, XP, Vista, and Windows 7 compatible.  F11 copies the current or marked topics (and associated subs) to the first level of the Library Outline which is auto-loaded and auto-saved.  Press Alt+L to toggle between the current and Library outlines. 

New commands:  Press U for Undo to load any prior same-name saved file.  F12 in the Editor inserts a Date/Time/Day-of-Week stamp at the cursor position.  Shift-Enter makes a new line in the current topic ... and Ctrl-Enter makes a new paragraph in the current topic.  

Finally, an extensive Help file has been updated to provide information on Maxthink, outlining, thinking, writing, knowledge, and wisdom processes. 

Students look for answers while scholars look for questions!


How to instantly out-think others!

Superior thinking depends not on speed, IQ, language, training, position, presentation, nor salary ... but mostly on completeness.  If you have complete information, then it is easy to find the right answers, while with incomplete information, even the best and brightest are often wrong. 

There are perhaps only 50 questions worth asking in the world that focus on completeness in thinking.  These questions are context free, meaning they will help you gather more information.  These questions are found in the file "Think.max" which is included in the download package.  Organizing 2 or 3 of these powerful questions into a related sequence creates meta-thought patterns that can help you automatically think better than others in any situation whether at and away from a computer.

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